14th December 2024

Search East Hunsbury Parish Council

Serving the people of East Hunsbury

Councillor David Lewis

Councillor David Lewis

My family and I moved to East Hunsbury in 1988 having relocated from Kent. We have lived in our home for the past thirty three years.

I have been a parish councillor since 2017. I became a councillor to do what I could to make a positive difference to the community and area where I live.

Over the years I have watched the area grow considerably. It's reassuring that lots of people like my family, who relocated here at the same time, are still residents of East Hunsbury as are their children who have married and also remained in the parish.

I care very much about our parks and open spaces and want to ensure these special areas are well maintained and preserved for the benefit and enjoyment of all of the residents who live and work in our parish.

David is the Vice-Chairman of the Council, and is a member of the Community Engagement, Resources, and the Parks & Open Spaces Committees.

He is also appointed as the Council's Police Liaison Representative.

Last updated: Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:19