24th September 2024

Search East Hunsbury Parish Council

Serving the people of East Hunsbury

East Hunsbury Remembers 2023
Annual community gathering and public installations

Thank you to everyone who has been involved with the East Hunsbury Remembers events for 2023. As a community without a war memorial, our Remembrance includes a public installation outside Hunsbury Library on Clannell Road, community crafting sessions, and an event at the Remembrance benches in Grangewood Park on Remembrance Sunday which provides the community with an opportunity for quiet reflection at 11am.

Thank you to all of those who took part in whatever way - our local schools, East Hunsbury WI, crafters, East Hunsbury Seniors, 50th Hunsbury Scout group, volunteers, and members of the community who laid crosses or attended the Remembrance event.

In 2023 Wreaths were laid on behalf of the community and the parish council by:

Paula Blake (on behalf of East Hunsbury Seniors), George from Wootton Park School (on behalf of all schools in East Hunsbury), Ernie from 50th Hunsbury Scouts (on behalf of the Scouts and all youth groups in the area), Cllr Claire Douglas (on behalf of the Parish Council), and Ollie Lyons (on behalf of East Hunsbury WI and volunteer organisations).

In 2023 Wreaths were laid on behalf of the community and the parish council by:

Paula Blake (on behalf of East Hunsbury Seniors), George from Wootton Park School (on behalf of all schools in East Hunsbury), Ernie from 50th Hunsbury Scouts (on behalf of the Scouts and all youth groups in the area), Cllr Claire Douglas (on behalf of the Parish Council), and Ollie Lyons (on behalf of East Hunsbury WI and volunteer organisations).

Remembrance 2023

Remembrance 2023

Our community wreath installation outside Hunsbury Library, created by volunteers. This year poppies and faith symbols were laid by pupils from East Hunsbury Primary, Simon de Senlis Primary, and Wootton Park School, and by members of 50th Hunsbury Scouts.

Our community wreath installation outside Hunsbury Library, created by volunteers. This year poppies and faith symbols were laid by pupils from East Hunsbury Primary, Simon de Senlis Primary, and Wootton Park School, and by members of 50th Hunsbury Scouts.

Our commemoration to specifically remember VE and VJ day - Cllr Claire Douglas planted an English Walnut tree, which will grow to give shelter at the memorial seating area in Grange Wood Park.

In 2023 the tree was wrapped in poppies by volunteers.

Our commemoration to specifically remember VE and VJ day - Cllr Claire Douglas planted an English Walnut tree, which will grow to give shelter at the memorial seating area in Grange Wood Park.

In 2023 the tree was wrapped in poppies by volunteers.

Last updated: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 13:07