24th September 2024

Search East Hunsbury Parish Council

Serving the people of East Hunsbury


All invoices should be sent directly to the Clerk, by post or by email, and addressed to East Hunsbury Parish Council.

Email: clerk@easthunsburyparishcouncil.gov.uk

Postal address:
East Hunsbury Parish Council
Hunsbury Library
Overslade Close

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

CIL regulations require West Northamptonshire Council to pass a proportion of CIL funds raised to the relevant parish council.

The figure is 15% for a parish council with no Neighbourhood Plan. The figure is 25% when the area is covered by a Neighbourhood Plan.

Parish and town councils that receive CIL must prepare a report detailing funds received and spent.

East Hunsbury is not in receipt of any CIL monies.

Payment schedules

Copies of Payment Schedules which give details about each item of expenditure, are available in our document management system (DMS). You can set the filter to select documents of interest.

As a parish council we strive to be open and transparent, and so you will also be able to find copies of our internal documents on this website. If you are looking for something in particular and need assistance, please contact our Clerk.

Last updated: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 21:25